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Dr Simone Parisotto, PhD
Algorithm Developer
Image Processing / Computer Vision

contact at simoneparisotto dot com


26/09/22: Started a new job position as Algorithm Developer @ Datacolor;
15/01/22: Started a new job position as Image Processing Researcher @ siHealth Photonics Srl;
23/06/21: Invited talk at mini-symposium – European Congress of Mathematics 2021;
22/06/21: Our paper “Thermal imaging… on frescoes at the Sforza Castle.” is accepted at SPIE O3A VIII;
14/04/21: Invited talk “Inverse Problems in Cultural Heritage” @ Alumni Association Veronesi Tutti Math;
22/01/21: Our research in Math&Art is a FEATURED MATLAB STORY;
07/01/21: Our inpainting MATLAB app INLUMINA is out;
18/11/20: Invited talk at the MACH Annual Symposium 2020. Video available here;
23/10/20: Invited seminar at the Université Cote d’Azur;
29/09/20: Joined the Editing Board of the Alan Turing Newsletter “AI&ARTS”;

Research Interests