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Higher-Order Total Directional Variation. European Congress of Mathematics, Portorož, SI, 2021. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Variational Osmosis for image fusion in Cultural Heritage. SIAM IS20, Toronto, CA (online), 2020. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Anisotropic osmosis filter for shadow removal in images. ICIAM 2019, Valencia, 2019. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Total Directional Variation for Video Denoising. 7th Scale Space and Variational Methods, Hofgeismar, 2019. (Type: Conference | Links)
Unveiling the invisible: a mathematical touch to challenges in CH. Do Not Touch? 3D in Museums, Cambridge, 2019. (Type: Conference | Links)
Mathematical osmosis imaging for multi-modal, multi-spectral applications in Cultural Heritage. IP4AI, Ghent, 2018. (Type: Conference | Links)
Higher-order Total directional Variation with Imaging Applications. SIAM IS, Bologna, 2018. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Generalized Image Osmosis Filtering with shadow removal imaging applications. SIAM IS, Bologna, 2018. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Commonware Roman Pottery from excavation to digital features classification. VMV – INI, Cambridge, 2017. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Anisotropic Surface Inpainting for Digital Elevation Maps. 1st Joint Meeting Brazil-Italy in Mathematics, Rio De Janeiro, 2016. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)
Anisotropic Surface Inpainting for Digital Elevation Maps. British Applied Mathematical Colloquium 2016, Oxford, 2016. (Type: Conference | Abstract | Links)


Inverse Problems in Cultural Heritage. Veronesi Tutti Math Webinar Series, 14.04.2021. (Type: Presentation | Abstract | Links)
Unveiling the invisible: From thermal analysis on frescoes to virtual restoration of manuscripts. Hercules Lab, Évora, 07.02.2020. (Type: Presentation | Abstract | Links)
Panel Discussion – Gesamtkunstwerk: ART, ARCHITECTURE & AI. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 01.03.2017. (Type: Presentation | Abstract | Links)
Variational Methods in Image Processing. University of Verona, 16.12.2016. (Type: Presentation | )
Introduzione al calcolo parallelo per il metodo degli elementi finiti. University of Verona, 24.04.2013. (Type: Presentation | Links)